Parent Participation
The School of Religious Education operates solely by the volunteer efforts of the parents of the students in the school. The parish provides support financially but it is only through the participation of the parents that the school will stay in operation.
Opportunities to participate are available throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to commit to at least one event during the year. The following are areas for involvement:
Get Involved: Everyone Benefits!
Catechist (teacher) – weekly commitment to lesson planning and teaching. Registration fees are waived for all catechists.
Baby-sitter – Watches the children (age 5 & under) of the catechists during class time, also a weekly commitment
Office receptionist – Assists the DRE with various secretarial duties and preparation for programs
Hospitality – Sets up food for workshops usually at night or weekend. Helps with Donut Sunday in September.
Children’s Liturgy – Assists in the planning and implementation for Children’s Liturgy during the 9:30 Mass one Sunday per month.
Safety Helper – Assists with arrival and dismissal process
Classroom Aide – Assists catechist in the classroom when needed
Substitute – With lesson plan as your guide, take the place of an ill catechist either in your child’s classroom or in another area of need.
Parent Support
Parent support of religious instruction is expected. SRE ministry is merely a strong arm to help in the real task of faith formation which lies with the child’s parents. Parents show support by regular and active participation in parish worship, weekly attendance at Mass, and support of sacramental programs. Active participation in parish activities such as the Parish Fain in October is also encouraged, as well as financial support of the church through regular contributions. American Martyrs church subsidizes the SRE program from these contributions.
Opportunities to participate are available throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to commit to at least one event during the year. The following are areas for involvement:
Get Involved: Everyone Benefits!
Catechist (teacher) – weekly commitment to lesson planning and teaching. Registration fees are waived for all catechists.
Baby-sitter – Watches the children (age 5 & under) of the catechists during class time, also a weekly commitment
Office receptionist – Assists the DRE with various secretarial duties and preparation for programs
Hospitality – Sets up food for workshops usually at night or weekend. Helps with Donut Sunday in September.
Children’s Liturgy – Assists in the planning and implementation for Children’s Liturgy during the 9:30 Mass one Sunday per month.
Safety Helper – Assists with arrival and dismissal process
Classroom Aide – Assists catechist in the classroom when needed
Substitute – With lesson plan as your guide, take the place of an ill catechist either in your child’s classroom or in another area of need.
Parent Support
Parent support of religious instruction is expected. SRE ministry is merely a strong arm to help in the real task of faith formation which lies with the child’s parents. Parents show support by regular and active participation in parish worship, weekly attendance at Mass, and support of sacramental programs. Active participation in parish activities such as the Parish Fain in October is also encouraged, as well as financial support of the church through regular contributions. American Martyrs church subsidizes the SRE program from these contributions.